At Horncastle, we believe that music is for everyone to enjoy and we take great care ensuring that the teaching is as inclusive as possible whilst also recognising the individual musical skills of many of the children.
We want all children to gain an understanding and love of music and for many to take up the learning of an instrument or join a school choir. We implement this through exciting, creative and innovative lessons based on active listening tasks and practical music-making. We follow the Charanga scheme of work. The impact is seen in the greater focus of the children in all lessons, the development of their fine motor skills and a “can-do” approach to life where a lifelong love of music will enhance the well-being and mental health of the children in the future years.
Our curriculum also ensures that children are exposed to a diet of world music from across the ages.
The guidelines of the National Curriculum for music are followed through the three key concepts of listening, performing and composing which prepare the children for progression to secondary school. We also teach children about notation and transcribing. Singing is a vital part of the life of Horncastle and we are proud to have taken choirs to Young Voices since 2019.
Why is this right for the children at Horncastle?
Our programme of study for Music ensures that children are taught about standard notation progressively throughout the school. Use of the Charanga Model Music Curriculum meets National Curriculum requirements across the primary phase, building on describing, composing, transcribing and performing music. In addition, musical equality and cultural diversity is promoted through exposure to a range of composers and performers from all musical genres and periods. Opportunities for performance are promoted locally and nationally – ranging from performing to small charity groups within Horncastle to annual arena-sized performances with thousands of other children. Music is further enriched through the Lincolnshire Music Service which provides whole class tuition in Samba drumming. The school’s music provision embraces a sense of community and promotes music beyond the parameters of the locality.