Horncastle Primary School Governing Body
Horncastle Primary School joined Wellspring Academy Trust in September 2021 and is proud to be part of a wider community of schools serving local communities and their interests.
Our governing body has three key roles:
- in consultation with the Trust, we decide the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Academy
- we hold the Headteacher and his senior staff to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, helping to ensure that all of our pupils are given the opportunity to thrive, and
- we oversee the financial performance of the school to ensure that money is well spent.
Details of our current governors are set out below. Our governors have a wide range of background, skills and experience which they bring to the governing body and work closely with the Headteacher and senior leaders, who are responsible for the running of the Academy. The Headteacher is accountable to governors for how he does this and frequently reports and consults with governors about this.
Governors meet several times a year to look at all aspects of the life and work of the school. All of our governors visit the school regularly to ensure that things are working as they should and your child will recognise our governors from school celebrations. In addition, many of the governors are linked with specific aspects of school life and make regular reports to the rest of the governors.
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a governor, please contact our Governance Officer, Melanie Gibbons, on 07729 105871 or by emailing her at m.gibbons@wellspringacademies.org.uk.
Our Chair of Governors is Kathy Christie and she can be contacted via the Governance Officer as above or by writing to:
Kathy Christie
℅ Horncastle Primary School
Bowl Alley Lane

Kathy Christie
Hi, I am the founder and director of Wellies, a Children’s nursery in Horncastle, since I made my home here 20 years ago. I have always been a huge supporter of the school whilst my children attended and since they left, as part of the governing body. I have a passion for safeguarding and use my working knowledge to reinforce good practice at Horncastle Primary to ensure every child is safe and comfortable to enable them to thrive during their time here.
I am the link governor for Leadership and Management and Safeguarding.
Trust-appointed governor
Term of office – 01/09/2021 – 01/09/2025

Nicola Kelsey
Hi, I have 30 years of experience of working in Finance that I utilise in my role as governor, a role that I have carried out in both Primary and Secondary Schools over the last eight years.
I enjoy being a part of the governing body and supporting the progression of the academy’s staff and students. In my spare time I enjoy reading, watching football, walking my dog especially on the beach and spending time with family and friends.
I am the link governor for Finance.
Trust-appointed governor
Term of office – 01/09/2021 – 01/09/2025

Meriem Bertouche
My name is Meriem Bertouche. I am a Geologist, originally from North Africa and currently the Director of a consultancy based in the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds, just outside Horncastle.
My love of the outdoors and science at school led me to pursue a career in earth sciences. At work, I am responsible for the continuous improvement in my organisation’s skill set and for leading its vision of a prosperous and sustainable, people-centred and industry-leading applied science consultancy.
When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, walking and cycling, reading historical novels and fantasy books, and photography. My link responsibility on the Governing Body is Community and Stakeholder Engagement.
Term of office – 01/09/2021 – 01/09/2025

Rachel Barrett
Hello I am a director at Duncan & Toplis, one of the largest independent accounting and business advisors in the East Midlands. I have been with the practice for 18 years but moved over from Lincoln to head up the office in Louth in April 2020. As part of my role, I am head of Academy Sector services and spend a significant proportion of my time working with academy trusts throughout the year. From small primary academy trusts through to large multi-academy trusts.
I have 8 year’s previous experience as a trustee for a secondary academy in Lincoln, as chair of finance and previously, vice chair. I love the fact that I can put my 30+ year’s experience in accountancy to support schools in my community.
Whilst not working you will usually find me outside running, whatever the weather or time of year, but I do prefer it not to be raining!
I am the link governor for Behaviour and Attendance and non-core subjects.
Term of office – 30/11/2023-30/11/2027

Vinitha Dinesh
I joined Horncastle Primary School in September 2018 as class teacher and have since taught primarily in LKS2. My duties include full class charge for a year 4 group, subject lead for Relationship and Sex Education and trainee teacher mentoring. I am currently working towards an NPQ in leading teacher Development.
I joined the governing body to understand school governance better and contribute to raising pupil outcomes with my teaching experience of 10 years.
Term of office – 18/01/2023-18/01/2027

Sam Hodder
Hi, my name is Sam and I have worked in the Wellspring Academy Trust Central Team for almost 4 years, providing strategic financial support and guidance to a number of schools in the trust. I am currently working towards the CIPFA Accountancy qualification. Outside of work I have one grown up child who is in the Army, and another who is in 6th Form, a husband, 1 dog, 3 cats, 2 turtles (not mine) and 7 fish (also not mine). I enjoy spending my free time relaxing somewhere hot!
I share link governor responsibilities with Lisa Shaw for Behaviour & Attendance, Early Years and Teaching and Learning/Standards.
Term of office – 01/03/2023-01/03/2027

Dave Whitaker
Hi, I am the Director of Learning at Wellspring Academy Trust.
I am a former Executive Principal and National Leader of Education and am proud to be part of the team supporting the town’s primary academy.
Trust Representative

Andrew Cook
Hi I’m Andy and I’m the proud headteacher of Horncastle Primary School (since September 23).
Previously I have worked as a headteacher in Lincolnshire and in the Middle East. I am determined to ensure that our amazing pupils benefit from world class teaching and experiences. I aim to make sure that our staff team have the professional opportunities to grow in order to make this happen.
Outside of work I have 2 children, Harry and Darcy who keep me busy and a cocker spaniel called Mabel. I am a keen Grimsby Town fan and am currently enjoying running the school football club.
Ex Officio Governor
Nicola Burné
My name is Niki, I was voted to be your parent governor and subsequently have become the schools link SEND governor too.
I live in Horncastle with my Husband and three children who all attend our primary school, I too am a past pupil of Horncastle Primary School. Becoming the SEND governor is very close to my heart as we have and continue to access support from the team for one of our boys, I am thoroughly enjoying working alongside the SEND team and having a real insight into our school.
I am currently a wedding coordinator for a local venue and have the privilege of working closely with many couples every year to help create their perfect wedding day. My past career saw me touring the UK in many different stage productions both on and back stage. Working in such a fun and creative industry has been incredible and offered a wealth of experience in working alongside a huge variety of different people. My hobbies include walking my cocker spaniel Rosie, exploring with my family and having fun with our friends.
I hope if you see me in the playground and feel that you need to raise any concerns or have any questions then please do just tap me on the shoulder and ask away.
Term of office – 22/02/2024-22/02/2028
Please click on the links below for details of the dates of this year’s governing body meetings, a summary of attendance at meetings for 2022-23 & 2023-2024, details of governors’ pecuniary and business interests and the Governor’s Code of Practice.